TUI proud to be part of Ireland’s first Trade Union Week

By piofficer, Wednesday, 24th April 2024 | 0 comments

The TUI is proud to be part of Ireland’s first Trade Union Week, which will take place between 29th April and 6th May. The week will mark the culmination of the ICTU’s Better In A Trade Union campaign, which was launched to promote the values and benefits of trade union membership. 

A letter and poster to highlight the event were sent this week to all TUI workplaces. 

Featuring public and private sector workers from across the island of Ireland, including TUI Executive Committee member Anthony Dowling, the high-profile Better in a Trade Union campaign highlights benefits such as enhanced job security, advice and support, improved terms and conditions of employment, and better pay. Trade union representatives from the various sectors featured in a significant advertising and social media campaign in the run-up to the announcement of the week. 

In a recent RED C omnibus poll, 44% of 18-34-year-olds in employment stated they would be interested in joining a union. Their leading reasons for doing so were that trade unions:

  • Provide employment protection in the workplace, and
  • Negotiate better pay and conditions.

At the event’s launch, ICTU General Secretary Owen Reidy said union members benefit from higher wages than non-unionised workers, and there is a growing awareness among young workers, in particular, of the benefits of trade unions.

For young people, trade unions provide hope in helping them navigate the mounting socio-economic challenges for their generation – such as the housing and climate crises. They also recognise the power of collective bargaining, and how it leads to better rates of pay.
In the RED C poll, people were asked why they hadn’t yet joined a trade union, and the most common response was ‘Nobody ever asked me to’.
TUI President David Waters described the Better In A Trade Union campaign as ‘critically important’ for the movement. ‘The more members trade unions have in their relevant sectors, the stronger they are for all workers,’ he said. ‘As trade union activists, we have a duty to ensure that younger generations are made aware of the benefits, protections and securities that trade union membership brings, and how it enhances working lives. We have to be relevant to young workers.’ 

Trade Union Week activities will take place in workplaces and local communities between Monday, 29th April and Monday, 6th May. If you are interested in organising an event for your workplace for Trade Union Week, you should seek approval for funding in advance from your local TUI branch. Branches are encouraged to support such events. For example, members could arrange to buy cakes/confectionary for staffrooms one morning during Trade Union Week to celebrate the importance and value of the trade union movement. 
