Join TUI

Protect Your Career - Join TUI Today 

Click here to join TUI online

Over 20,500 Teachers and Lecturers in the Irish Public Education Sector enjoy the protection and support of TUI. Why not join them today?

TUI recruits members in Post-Primary, Higher and Further/Adult Education sectors. If you are interested in joining TUI contact your School/College Representative.

The TUI subscription was reduced for all members from 1st January 2024.

From 1st January 2025, the TUI subscription for a member on full hours is €378. 

Those new to the profession paid on the Common Basic Scale will not pay the full subscription rate until they commence their 4th year of teaching and even then will only do so if on full hours.

Subscriptions are calculated on each individual’s salary, so if a teacher/lecturer has a contract of less than full hours, they pay less as their subscription will be 0.75% of their gross earnings, inclusive of any allowances.  

New members in their first teaching/lecturing post shall receive a refund of the subscription they pay in respect of their first twelve consecutive months of Union membership. The refund shall be made by way of a single payment in the month of December immediately following that first twelve-month period of membership. 

You can join online by clicking the link at the top of this page. Alternatively, print off and complete the hard copy Membership Appication form and Deduction At Source (DAS) forms below and return to your Branch Secretary or TUI Head Office.

Applications received in TUI Head Office will be forwarded to the relevant Branch Secretary for Branch approval. 

Membership Application Form (August 2024)

DAS form (August 2024)

Application Form for Student Membership (2019)
