Supervision and Substitution – post Haddington Road Agreement
Prior to July 1st 2013, the S&S scheme was optional and attracted a pensionable payment. As a result of the Haddington Road Agreement, all teachers must participate in the S&S scheme (except for those who were eligible to, and chose to, opt out by February 28, 2014 or under Circular Letters 41/2017 or 47/2017) and the duties attract no additional payment.
In recognition of the loss of the S&S pensionable allowance, a gross payment of €1,592 will be applied to the incremental scale for teachers. This was applied in two equal moieties: €796 on September 1st 2016 and €796 on September 1st 2017. Because these moieties are applied to each point of the incremental
scale, they are pensionable.
Teachers’ S&S commitment
Teachers are required to provide 43 hours supervision and substitution per annum (pro rata for job-sharing and part-time teachers)
With effect from the commencement of the school year 2013/14, the time assigned to supervision and substitution was increased from one and a half hours in any given week to 3 hours. In this context, the additional time may only be used for substitution.
Each teacher on full hours is to be available for five timetabled class periods per week. Those on less than full hours are required to deliver supervision and substitution on a pro-rata basis. Teachers working up to and including 12 class contact hours per week must be available for 3 class periods; Teachers working more than 12 and up to and including 17 hours class contact per week must be available for 4 class periods; Teachers working more than 17 hours class contact per week must be available for 5 class periods.
See Circular letter
6/2014 for full details.
Following a commitment given as part of the Haddington Road talks, the TUI/ASTI, management bodies and the Department agreed to new procedures for the drafting of the S&S substitution rosters. Full details are set out in
Circular Letter 42/2014.