The Teachers' Union of Ireland is a Trade Union organising teachers and lecturers in Ireland engaged in post-primary, higher and further education. TUI represents over 19,000 members in the education service. The Union is made up of 62 Branches in 19 Areas.
TUI is a unified and democratic body but one with a very diverse membership. TUI members are to be found in Vocational Schools, Community Colleges, Community and Comprehensive Schools, Educate Together and other Post Primary Schools. TUI members also form the largest single body of third level lecturers in Ireland working in Institutes of Technology/Technological Universities.
The thriving Further Education sector is in large measure staffed by TUI members as are many other specialists areas, from prison education to Youthreach Centres and from curriculum development bodies to Adult Education.
In all these diverse institutions, large and small, TUI members are working to deliver a first class educational service. TUI is affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Education International, the world wide Trade Union organisation of education workers.