The Department of Education and Science has unilaterally decided that:
- The number of candidates for a Food and Culinary Skills Examination session will now increase from 8-10 candidates to 12 candidates per session.
- To facilitate the increase in candidature per session, the number of tasks has been reduced from 12 to 6.
The Union objects to these changes, which were made without consultation, on the basis that:
- It is not possible for a teacher to supervise and assess 12 pupils at a Home Economics Examination; and
- The increased numbers are unsafe.
Members are accordingly directed not to participate in supervising and assessing examinations in Home Economics where the numbers exceed 10 students. Members are further directed not to set up examination rooms for more than 10 candidates.
This Directive to remain in force until further notice.
Members are reminded of the above policy and are directed to implement it.
Issued: 5th April 2001.