Bereavement Leave
The terms of bereavement leave were revised in December 2022 and are set out in detail in Circular 78/2022.
Following the publication of this circular, teachers now have access to bereavement leave on part with members of the civil service. Specifically, the entitlements are:
- 20 days in the case of a spouse, child or person in a relationship of domestic dependency
- 5 days in the case of a father, mother, sister, brother, step-father, step-mother, step-brother, brother-in-law, half-brother, step-sister, half-sister, sister-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild
- one day in the case of an aunt, uncle, niece or nephew
See circular letter for full details
Brief/Occasional Absences
Members in C&C Schools are entitled to avail of the facility to take up to 5 separate personal days leave of absence. Applications must be sanctioned by the Board of Management.
Members in ETB Schools may apply under the terms of Memo V7 - "in respect of occasional brief absences owing to reasonable causes". Applications are subject to approval by the ETB.
Jury Service
Teachers/lecturers are required to undertake jury service.
Carer’s Leave
The Carer's Leave Act 2001 provides for a new entitlement for an employee to avail of temporary unpaid leave from his/her employer to enable him/her to personally provide full time care and attention for a person who is in need of such care. The relevant person must be assessed by the Department of Social and Family Affairs as requiring full-time care and attention. The leave period is a maximum of 104 weeks in regard to any one relevant person. This leave, which is unpaid, may be taken as a continuous period or in separate unit periods, the aggregate duration of which does not exceed 104 weeks.
An explanatory booklet on Carer's Leave is available on the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment website - Click here for Circular Letter 0054/2019 - 'Leave Schemes for Registered Teachers Employed in Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools.' . The section on the Carer's Leave Scheme begins on p.93 of the document. This document supersedes all previous circulars.
Assault Leave
Circular Letter 61/2017 outlines entitlement to leave of absence following an assault.