TUI Statement on the Climate Emergency
The TUI recognises that the climate crisis represents one of the greatest threats to the health, welfare and future life chances of our members and the children, young people and adults they teach. The Union recognises the urgent need for governments, businesses and the international community to collectively address the issues that have led to the current climate crisis and the closely related biodiversity crisis.
The TUI commits to action in the following three key areas:
- Social and economic transformation towards climate justice
- As a Union that stands for equity, global justice and solidarity, the TUI joins with trade unions, youth and communities nationally and globally in calling for climate justice. The TUI places the need for climate justice at the centre of the response to the climate crisis.
- In the context of international trade union solidarity, the TUI recognises the key role of trade unions in building alliances for social transformation and a new eco-social contract. The TUI relies on the expertise of scientists, climate policy experts, TUI members active in the climate justice movement and those affected to inform our participation in these efforts.
- Climate Justice acknowledges that the human cost of the climate crisis is not borne equally. Many communities, in particular in the global south, are already being, and will be, disproportionately affected. Rising temperatures are currently fuelling environmental damage, creating food and water insecurity, and causing weather extremes that are now having devastating effects on communities. In recognition of these devastating and unjust impacts the TUI affirms its commitment to global solidarity.
- Education for social and economic transformation
- Climate Justice education is an important part of an effective 21st century curriculum. The TUI believes that adopting an equality and human rights perspective to climate change, and the lens of climate justice, will enable learners to engage critically with the climate crisis. The Union advocates strongly that educators, educational institutions and curricula should locate climate change within a framework of equality and human rights, offer space for debate on the different perspectives of climate justice, as well as space and support for learners to take part in meaningful and transformative action towards a just and sustainable society.
- The Union believes that education has a critical contribution to make to securing climate justice, and a sustainable planet for future generations. The TUI is committed to promoting research and teaching on the topics of socio-ecological transformation, sustainability and sustainable development as well as the causes and effects of climate change. These topics must be part of teaching and research in all subject areas. The TUI recognises that the challenge of the climate crisis demands advancement in educational curricula and practices. The education curriculum must be transformed to catalyse the fight against the climate emergency and to support a just transition to a more sustainable world. Students have a right to gain all the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to sustain our world for present and future generations. Teaching and learning methodologies used to address the climate crisis must reflect the complex, interdisciplinary and global nature of this phenomenon.
- The TUI encourages schools and centres to adopt the Code of Good Practice for Development Education 2021 (6), and to exploit the scope already available in existing curriculum frameworks to explore the issues and implications of climate change and climate justice. The TUI will continue to press the government to ensure schools can offer a curriculum that secures breadth and balance, including curriculum provision in schools that allows space for learners to explore perspectives of climate justice.
- The TUI supports the Education International Manifesto on Quality Climate Change Education for All . The TUI believes Education International’s Manifesto on Quality Climate Change Education for All is a clear global framework for all governments to deliver on their commitments to climate change education and education for sustainable development as part of the Paris Agreement (article 12). The Union is committed to working with organisations nationally and internationally to support the work of teachers in promoting education for climate justice and sustainable development. Where appropriate, the TUI will share resources and information with members that may assist in the development of climate justice education.
- Sustainable workplaces and member education
- TUI members and staff have a key role to play in securing our commitment to environmental sustainability and climate justice. The TUI is committed to the provision of information, guidance and training for members and staff to promote and deliver on its own commitments to climate justice and sustainability. Initial and continuing teacher education on environmental issues, climate change and social and economic justice is central to teacher advocacy for climate justice and securing a safe and sustainable future for humanity and the living world. Initial and continuing teacher education on environmental issues, climate change and social and economic justice is central to teacher advocacy for climate justice and securing a safe and sustainable future for humanity and the living world.
- The TUI is committed to securing environmentally sustainable solutions in respect of its investments, buildings, assets, services, travel and transport systems, communications, distribution, packaging and food sourcing. The TUI is committed to challenging our suppliers, contractors, partners and other third parties to ensure that they are also working for sustainability.
- The TUI is committed to working towards sustainable workplaces for all members and learners in all education settings and promotes the formation of sustainable workplace agreements and sustainable workplace committees that allow educators, employers and learners to collaborate.
The TUI’s National Executive Committee will report on progress in these areas annually to members.