The Department of Education and Skills has published a document entitled Assessment Arrangements For Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021
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The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) broadly welcomes the adjusted assessment arrangements for those taking state certificate examinations (Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, LCVP and LCA) in the 2020/21 school year to take account of the disrupted learning experienced by students.
The TUI identified this issue when it became clear that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the last school year and raised it with the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and other stakeholders.
This is a matter of equity and fairness, particularly for those students who would have struggled with the online learning environment of the latter part of the last school year.
Clearly, adjustment of the curriculum would not have been appropriate given the different approaches of schools in terms of delivering the curriculum, so incorporating additional choice into the examinations and making adjustments to additional assessment components represents a fair and equitable approach.
In addition, the TUI has sought guidance from the DES on how the curriculum in practical subjects can be safely delivered by teachers in light of Covid-19, for example, Home Economics, the suite of Technology subjects, Music, Physical Education, Active Leisure Studies etc.
It is important to note that as with all developing issues related to the national health emergency, there are details and arising issues that will have to be worked out, many of which may not be apparent yet. We will discuss these issues with the Department as soon as they arise.