Junior Cycle draft document may form basis for discussions, but significant issues remain

By piofficer, Friday, 13th February 2015 | 0 comments

Joint Statement from ASTI President Philip Irwin and TUI President Gerry Quinn

The executive bodies of ASTI and TUI today decided to continue engagement in Junior Cycle negotiations.

However, the unions stated that the draft document they had received for consideration does not, as it currently stands, form the basis for agreement. Significant aspects of the document are not acceptable to teachers. The ASTI and TUI believe that substantial change, clarification and negotiation on the draft document are required before agreement is possible.

Both unions re-iterated the importance of the maintenance of education quality and standards in any agreement.

The unions also said that it was regrettable and damaging that the confidential document was leaked to a national newspaper in advance of today’s meeting.

Click here for draft document.
