Increase in salary scale for 2011 entrants to teaching

By piofficer, Wednesday, 28th May 2014 | 0 comments

Following agreement between the teacher unions and the Department of Education Skills, teachers who entered teaching between 1 January 2011 and 1 February 2012 are to have their salaries restored to 2010 levels. ‘2011 entrants’ will now be placed on a scale which takes into account the two years already served and restores them to the equivalent of the 2010 scale for the rest of their career. (Click here for details of new scale).

This is a further and significant improvement on the salary scale introduced last year under the Haddington Road Agreement. The restoration will be backdated to 1 November 2013.

TUI has fought for the restoration of salary scales and will continue to pursue this aim for all new entrants.

10% cut to allowances also abolished

In addition, the 10% cut in qualification allowances applied to 2011 entrants will be abolished and will be restored to the rate applicable to pre-2011 teachers. This means, for example, that the value of the honours degree allowance will be €4,818 rather than €4,426 per annum. This will also be backdated to 1 November 2013.

The Department of Education and Skills will issue a Circular Letter confirming this in the coming days. TUI is in contact with the Department regarding payment of the backdated monies owed to the members concerned.



