The salary scales on this website are those set out in the latest circular letters issued by the relevant Government Department. However, in some cases, there can be a delay between the publication of the circular letter authorising payment and the actual payment of the increases to members. Where delays occur, payment is backdated to the relevant date set out in the circular letter.
Scales for teachers working in Further Education - PLC Colleges
Click here for the common basic scale for teachers employed before 1/1/11
Click here for the common basic scale for teachers employed after 1/1/11
Salary scales for those working in other areas of Further Education
These scales incorporate the 1% pay increase under the Public Service Agreement 2024-2026, effective from 1st June 2024.
Adult Education Officers (not reduced for post 1/1/11 new entrants)
From 01/6/2024 |
€60,502 |
€63,284 |
€66,066 |
€68,849 |
€71,629 |
€74,408 |
€77,191 |
€78,769 |
€81,538 |
€84,348 |
€87,162 |
€89,973 |
€94,193 |
Adult Literacy Organisers/Community Education Facilitators
*Effective from 1st March 2019, scale points 4 and 8 have been removed from post-1st January 2011 ‘new entrant’ scales. The measure means that new and recent entrants will ‘jump’ these points and progress up the scale quicker.
Pre 1/1/11 entrant - 01/6/2024 |
Post 1/1/11 entrant - 01/6/2024 |
€51,138 |
€46,432 |
€52,783 |
€49,341 |
€54,466 |
€51,138 |
€56,162 |
€52,783 |
€57,867 |
€54,466 |
€59,581 |
€56,162 |
€61,293 |
€57,867 |
€63,004 |
€59,581 |
€64,715 |
€61,293 |
€66,426 |
€63,004 |
€68,141 |
€64,715 |
€70,098 |
€66,426 |
€72,544 |
€68,141 |
€70,098 |
€72,544 |
NALA/WIT Cert - €1,198
NALA/WIT Diploma - €2,402
Youthreach Resource Staff/BTEI Adult Educator
*Effective from 1st March 2019, scale points 4 and 8 have been removed from post-1st January 2011 ‘new entrant’ scales. The measure means that new and recent entrants will ‘jump’ these points and progress up the scale quicker.
Pre 1/1/11 entrants - 01/6/2024 |
Post 1/1/11 entrants - 01/6/2024 |
€38,491 |
€35,534 |
€40,319 |
€37,191 |
€42,495 |
€38,491 |
€44,675 |
€40,319 |
€46,865 |
€42,495 |
€49,055 |
€44,675 |
€51,254 |
€46,865 |
€53,516 |
€49,055 |
€55,826 |
€51,254 |
€58,167 |
€53,516 |
€60,677 |
€55,826 |
€58,167 |
€60,677 |
LSI €62,763 |
LSI €62,763 |
LSII €64,852 |
LSII €64,852 |
Youthreach Co-Ordinators (not reduced for post 1/1/11 new entrants)
From 01/6/2024 |
€45,164 |
€48,966 |
€52,791 |
€57,648 |
€60,730 |
€64,736 |
€68,722 |
LSI €71,798 |
LSII €74,054
Youthreach Qualification Allowances
01/6/2024 |
Degree/tch. regcontion |
€3,594 |
Diploma |
€2,401 |
Certificate |
€1,198 |