Calculated grades - TUI welcomes safeguards for teachers and students

By piofficer, Thursday, 21st May 2020 | 0 comments

Commenting on the publication of guidelines related to the system of calculated grades to replace this year’s written Leaving Certificate examinations, the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) has welcomed that the legal indemnity that is outlined for teachers.

The union has also welcomed the safeguards that seek to ensure against canvassing of teachers.

Crucially, the guidelines confirm that no student or school will be profiled and that all achievements will be fairly reflected.

The union will urgently address any arising issues with the Department.

Comments from TUI President Seamus Lahart:

“Following on from its decision that the Leaving Certificate written exams could not proceed this year due to ongoing public health concerns, the Government decided to introduce a system of calculated grades on an exceptional basis. While the clear preference of the TUI has always been that the written examinations would proceed, the union’s executive committee, recognising that this was not possible in the context of the Covid public health emergency, decided that members would engage with the calculated grades system to allow students to move on to the next stage of their lives.

TUI has engaged intensively with the Department and other education partners in relation to this emergency system, and the union now welcomes that extensive guidance is now issuing so that teachers and schools can commence with the work of ensuring that students have a facility that will allow them to progress. Students can be sure that this is a robust framework that will be recognised by the CAO and other systems.

While the guidance is as comprehensive as is possible, we will of course urgently address any rising issues with the Department.

Crucially, there is clear legal indemnity for teachers and schools. This is of vital importance.

It is also noteworthy that the guidelines seek to prevent the canvassing of teachers. It is TUI’s strong position that teachers should not be subject to any undue pressure in relation to their role regarding estimating marks. This also ensures protection for students, as to favour one would be to put others at a disadvantage.

The TUI have secured the agreement of the Department, the State Exams Commission and the Minister that the system does not involve student profiling and that the level of achievement of every student, irrespective of their school  or of socioeconomic background, will be fairly reflected and that no student will be disadvantaged by the system or by circumstances outside their control.

It is important to state once again that implementation of these measures on an emergency basis will not and cannot be regarded as a precedent or as agreement to operate such measures in future years and we note that this is recognised by the Department and the Minister.”
