‘Stay positive – exam results do not define a person’ - TUI extends best wishes to all examination candidates

By piofficer, Tuesday, 4th June 2019 | 0 comments

The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI), which represents over 18,000 teachers and lecturers in second level, adult/further education and at third level, has wished all students the best of luck ahead of the 2019 state examinations.

Union President Seamus Lahart
has advised students to stay positive and calm over the coming days. 

‘As much as possible, students and those around them should keep things in perspective. The state exams are of course important, but students should remember that they are not defined as a person by any set of exam results. Even if they do not get the results that they want, there is a wide range of alternative routes they can take to reach their career of choice.

Generally speaking, students will have worked hard up to now and will find that they are better prepared than they might think. Common sense is important at this time – students should take care of themselves and try not to burn the candle at both ends. They should eat properly, sleep properly and make sure to take regular exercise and breaks from their studies.

Today, we pay particular tribute to mature students who took the brave and no doubt rewarding decision to return to education. Similarly, many students sitting the examinations may only have acquired English recently and deserve special credit.

The unstinting support of parents and guardians should not be forgotten today, nor should the commitment and dedication of teachers in ensuring that all students get a fair opportunity to realise their own particular academic potential.’ 

Review of Senior Cycle

TUI will, as it has done in respect of Junior Cycle, set out and insist on adherence to certain key principles in any review or reform of Senior Cycle.  These principles include that:

  • There must be a continuation of an externally assessed, state certified examination; and that
  • Additional workload and time demands cannot be placed on teachers.