Revision of Working Hours for ETB Employees other than Teachers, SNAs and Tutors

By piofficer, Wednesday, 22nd June 2022 | 0 comments

Circular 41 of 2022 Revision of working hours in the ETBs has been published. Click here to download. 

For many of our grades working in Further Education and Training the following are the most pertinent points:

  • HRA hours implemented in 2013 will be restored in all relevant ETB employments (i.e. grades other than teachers, SNAs and Tutors) with effect from July 1 2022. Restoration applies to all ETB employees including those who commenced work after July 2013. 
  • Working hours for any such grade will not be less than the level that applied prior to HRA, i.e., 35 hours or pre-HRA hours, whichever is greater.
  • Annual leave will not be impacted by the restoration of hours. 
  • Where an employee availed of the option under the terms previous of public service agreements to remain on pre-HRA working hours, they may elect to remain on those hours or move to the 35 hour net working week with an appropriate pay adjustment in both cases. 


In effect, many members who moved to 37 hours per week will revert to 35 hours w.e.f. 1st July,
