Programme for Government fails to commit to tackling key issues – TUI

By piofficer, Thursday, 16th January 2025 | 0 comments

Responding to the publication of the Programme for Government, the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) has said described the failure to properly commit to tackling key issues in the education sector as ‘extremely disappointing’.

Speaking today, TUI General Secretary Michael Gillespie said:

Recruitment and retention
‘In terms of the recruitment and retention crisis, a reference to developing ‘a workforce plan’ is completely inadequate. It is already clear what is required – we need full jobs upon initial appointment, restoration of career progression options, a shorter PME time and incremental credit for those returning from abroad.’

Senior Cycle and class size
‘We have called for a delay in the implementation of Senior Cycle redevelopment as the accelerated pace is leaving too much to chance, particularly in relation to areas such as AI. In this regard, the redeveloped Senior Cycle risks increasing student stress rather than the programme’s stated intention of ‘reducing stress levels’ unless the various educational concerns are ironed out.’
‘Also in relation to Senior Cycle, it is most disappointing that there is only a commitment to reducing the pupil/teacher ratio at primary level. If Senior Cycle redevelopment is to be effective and successful, smaller class groups will be required.’

‘We welcome the intention to increase apprenticeship provision.’

Colleges of the Future
‘In terms of FET, there needs to be significantly more engagement with stakeholders on the concept a  College of the Future.’

Higher education funding
‘Significant additional funding will be required in the higher education sector to begin the process of tackling the effects of years of neglect and underinvestment.’
