National ballot on Online and Digital Learning – Institute of Technology/Technological University Sector

By piofficer, Thursday, 21st November 2019 | 0 comments

National ballot on Online and Digital Learning - Vote ‘YES’ to engage in industrial action

Due to the refusal of the Official Side to concede TUI’s claim to secure a national agreement on the development and delivery of online and digital learning in Institutes of Technology and TU Dublin, TUI is balloting Third Level members as directed by Annual Congress.

The question on the ballot paper will ask:

In order to secure such an agreement, do you agree to engage in industrial action as directed by the Executive Committee of TUI?

The industrial action will be, systematically and incrementally, to withdraw from all forms of activity relating to the development and delivery of all online modules and all online courses. The industrial action will be phased; in the first instance to refuse to engage in the development of new online learning modules/courses. Subsequent action will be taken as directed by the TUI Executive Committee, having regard to existing local agreements.

Click here to download a TUI News ballot special which will be posted in hard copy to workplaces on Thursday, 21st November 2019.

What are you being asked?
You are being asked to agree to engage in industrial action over the refusal of the Official Side to concede TUI’s claim to secure a national agreement on the development and delivery of online and digital learning in Institutes of Technology and TU Dublin.

What is the TUI Executive Committee recommending?
The Executive Committee is urging that you vote ‘YES’ to engage in industrial action.  

When will the ballot take place?
Ballot papers will be posted on Friday, 22nd November 2019. Completed ballot papers must be returned (in the envelopes provided) to the Union’s auditors, Deloitte, no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, 12th December 2019.
