Press Releases

‘Leaving Certificate still remains fairest option for 2021’ -  TUI 

By piofficer 01 Feb 2021 | 0 comments
The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) has reiterated its support for holding the 2021 Leaving Certificate examinations, including second components such as orals, practicals and projects.   The union does not believe that a system of calculated grades or similar will reduce stress and anxiety in the school community and has expressed concerns about the lack of data on which teachers’ estimated marks could be based compared to last year’s process.   In addition, the union has said it has significant concerns about the feasibility of offering students a choice between calculated grades and a written examination. Clearly, teaching and preparing a class split into those seeking a calculated grade and those preparing to do a Leaving Certificate examination would be extremely challenging in the time remaining.    TUI has also stated that external moderation in any system is essential in ensuring consistency and public trust.   Speaking today, TUI President Martin Marjoram said:   ‘We fully acknowledge the high levels of stress and anxiety in school communities, especially among those students who are due to take the state examinations this year.   

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TUI Executive Committee decides that members would not be attending workplaces from Monday - Union welcomes belated decision by Government to do the right thing

By piofficer 07 Jan 2021 | 0 comments
At an Executive Committee meeting this evening, it was decided that Teachers’ Union of Ireland members will not be attending their workplaces for in-school teaching next Monday, 11th January, or on subsequent days but will be available to provide emergency remote teaching and to support their students including, in particular, students with special educational needs. Therefore, the TUI welcomes the decision now taken, somewhat belatedly, by Government to finally do the right thing.

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Guidance on apprenticeship education urgently required - TUI

By piofficer 05 Jan 2021 | 0 comments
The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) has criticised the failure of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) to provide central guidance and direction on the provision of apprenticeship education in ETBs and in Institutes of Technology, Technological University Dublin and Munster Technological University.   The Union, which represents 20,000 members in Post Primary, Further/Adult Education and Higher Education settings, has called for the Department to immediately issue direction that physical classes be delayed and temporary online lessons be prioritised in the current climate.   Speaking today, TUI President Martin Marjoram said:   ‘Over the last number of days, we have repeatedly sought direction from DFHERIS on the status of apprenticeship education in the current climate. Apprentices have travelled from all parts of the country to participate in apprenticeship training in colleges and training centres. Regrettably, no guidelines have been issued in relation to this and it is being left in the hands of individual institutions and ETBs to decide on their approach.  This failure to provide guidance is grossly irresponsible in the context of the frightening increase in the numbers of COVID-19 cases. Our members have expressed huge levels of concern and anxiety about this situation and the ongoing silence from the Department to our repeated requests is completely unacceptable and poses a potential risk to public health.   Given the alarming national picture in terms of the pandemic, we believe it would be entirely reasonable that physical classes be temporarily delayed and where possible be replaced with online lessons instead until it is safe to return to face-to-face contact on campus.   However, with interaction on-campus scheduled for this week, this direction must issue immediately in the interests of the health and safety of students, academic staff and the wider community.   Once again, we are demanding that Minister Harris and his Department appropriately represent the sector that they are tasked with overseeing and immediately provide this guidance.’    

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Strong maths and science showing a tribute to Irish students and teachers    

By piofficer 08 Dec 2020 | 0 comments
The Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) has described Ireland’s strong showing in the latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) as a tribute to the commitment and dedication of Irish students and teachers.       The union highlighted that Irish school communities are operating at a considerable disadvantage compared to many international counterparts due to unacceptably low investment levels at second level.      

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